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Minutes of BCA Meeting held on 17th March 2022 at Elcombe House


Attendees:Brian, Charlotte, Richard, Sue, Jane, Chris, Liz and Gill


Apologies: Ann, Sara and Rodney


Minutes of meeting: 8th February 2022 approved


Ongoing Projects

Liz informed the meeting that the fence on the village green is in need of repair and litter to be picked up. It was reported that O'connors were asked last November to cut the hedge and have been reminded three times to no avail. Brian requested Chris and Richard cut it if O'connors haven't done it by the end of next week (25th March).

Pond and baskets. Richard has ordered the baskets and they will be filled with Red,White and Blue flowers.



Future Projects

Monks Bay Stream beauty spot. Brian informed the meeting that a blockage in the pipe has been cleared. An inspection chamber is to be built and a grid installed at the base of the pipe. The ivy is to be cleared from the walls, ground and from the trees making it a nice beautiful spot.



Sue kindly provided paper examples of plaques for the meeting. It was decided that probably six to eight would be required to distribute around the village. Sue to provide costings for approval.


Upcoming Events


Platinum Jubilee Events 2nd-5th June

A 19 kilogram cylinder to be purchased by Richard for the Beacon to be lit on the Bonchurch Village Green at 9.15pm on Thursday 2nd June 2022 Chris confirmed he had spoken with the Band Manager regarding timings etc. Chris suggested two rockets to be purchased to set off at this event. Brian to contact Coast guard to ensure they are aware of event. It was decided that British sherry would be used for the Toast of God Save the Queen. Sherry to be purchased by Charlotte. Porta loo to be provided by Brian. Jane advised the meeting that Adrian from the Bonchurch Inn had kindly volunteered his help.


Grand Picnic Sunday 5th June 12-4pm.

Chris confirmed the three acts and the timings etc for the day. A Gazebo to be erected in the middle of the green rather than at the far end. This will allow people to be able to see the acts from where they are sitting. If anyone has any bunting it would be appreciated. Chris to look at purchasing a microphone for this and any other subsequent events. Sally Fitgerald Bond has offered to provide a cake stall which is much appreciated.


Treasure Hunt The Walk the Wight Festival is taking place on 7-15th May and 8-11th October 2022. As Jane and Sue will be away during this event the entrance sheets for the Treasure hunt will be given to Brian,Chris,Liz, Charlotte and Richard. Entrants' names and contact numbers to be obtained.


Open Gardens 9-10th July

Brian advised the meeting that he has spoken with Brenda in great length and said that now her home is now classed as residential Brenda wishes to make the following changes to facilities offered to the BCA at her home.

Strawberry Cream Teas. She withdraws her permission to use her premises. She is prepared to set up a ticket selling table. Brenda is aware of the St Boniface Church's offer to hold the teas at the church.


Carols at the pond. Brenda is willing to allow the band to perform at the front of her house as usual but only if she prepares and heats the mulled wine and procures and heats up the mince pies herself in her kitchen for the BCA to serve outside.

Brian very kindly offered his garden for the Strawberry Cream Teas as he already has a licence to allow this. Brian will talk with Sally Fiztgerald Bond re requirements for baking scones. A discussion took place as to taking alternate years with the Church for this event.


Jane and Liz offered to approach new residents around the village to enquire whether they would participate in the open gardens. The gardens did not have to be extensive but offering some different interest.


BCA Finance

Funds stood at £5180 as of 24th November 2021. But Brian did report that Ann has said funds had currently dropped to about £3,700 overall. Update to be given at AGM


AGM 5th April

Gill offered to type up the last AGM minutes. Wine Glasses and Nibbles to be provided. Signs to be put on notice boards around the village by Jane and Sue.



Village walls covered in Ivy. Jane advised that she had received a quote for this work but it was felt that approx £400 was too high and she would try other avenues.


There were 5 emergency calls made from the telephone box in the village during 2021 therefore the telephone box will be retained but for emergency calls only. Various people are painting and decorating the inside of the box and it will also be used for social notices.


Next meeting date to be decided at the AGM






Programme for year 2022.


AGM Tuesday 5th April at 7pm held at St Wilfreds Church Hall


Platinum Jubilee Events 2nd-5th June


Open Gardens 9-10th July


Bonchurch Family Treasure Hunt

7-15th May and 8-11th October


Cheese and Wine. Autumn date to be advised


BCA Lights around the Pond Friday 2nd December


Christmas Carols Saturday 17th December

© 2024 Bonchurch Community Association

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