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Bonchurch Community Association


NEWSLETTER                      Spring 2022


Dear Residents and Friends of Bonchurch


It is impossible to write this newsletter without reference to the events in Ukraine. Many of Bonchurch residents will already have made contributions either monetary or at the various collection points in Ventnor and across the Island. Our thoughts are with the innocent victims of the conflict daily. It is at times like these when the moral strength of communities standing together can be truly witnessed. We can only hope that an end to the horrific suffering and destruction is in sight.


Bonchurch 2021

The Wine and Cheese Evening in November was completely sold out and made over £500 which was duly spent on replacement Christmas lights for the Pond. Thank you also to everyone who made a donation for the lights. The Carols by the Pond event was again very well supported. We will need more mince pies and mulled wine for next year ! The collection at the Grotto on the Village Road raised a magnificent £156 which has been donated to the Children’s Society.


Bonchurch 2022


AGM  St.Wilfrid’s Church Hall  -   Tuesday 5th April  -  7.00pm

We are seeking residents of the village who would be willing to meet and support our committee or who would be happy to register to help out with future events. If you are interested in any way or maybe you would just like to find out a little bit more about what we try to do or have ideas for future events please do give up a little of your time and come along to our Annual General Meeting on 5th April - 7.00 pm at St Wilfrid’s Church Hall.  It will be very informal and you would be particularly welcome if you are new to the village or just haven’t been able to become involved with the BCA in the past. Our current committee members are :-


Brian Lucas (Chair)                                           Sarah Wilson

Ann Saunders (Treasurer)                                Charlotte Walby

Gill Edwards (Secretary)                                   Chris Gorski               

Richard Walby (Pond Warden))                        Sue Lowday

Liz Gorski (Village Green)                                 Jane Cox


Family Treasure Hunt   -  7th - 15th May

A Family Treasure Hunt has been organised to run during the week of the Island Walking Festival which this year will take place on 7th-15th May. Watch out for details on the village notice boards or check our website events page  ( www. or the Walk the Wight website. There is a £40 Waitrose voucher to be won ! 


Platinum Jubilee


 Lighting of the Beacon - Thursday 2nd June  -   8.30pm to 9.30pm

To mark the start of the Jubilee celebrations the Bonchurch Beacon will be lit on the Village Green on Shore Road at 9.15pm along with many other of the nation’s beacons around the coastline. It was originally planned for the top of St Boniface Down but parking up there is very limited and access to certain areas is restricted. Shanklin Town Band will be playing from 8.30 to 9.30pm. Do come along and help to make this a memorable start to the Queen’s Jubilee celebrations.


 Grand Picnic on the Green -  Sunday 5th June  -  12.00noon to 4.00pm.

If you are not involved in a street party why not come along to the Village Green on Shore Road with family and friends. Bring your own picnic,drinks,chairs etc and enjoy an afternoon with your neighbours. There will be live music from local entertainers and with luck from the weather it could be a really memorable day in the Bonchurch calendar.



Bonchurch Open Gardens   -  Saturday 9th - Sunday 10th July

The Open Gardens is our major fundraising event and we depend very much upon the goodwill of Bonchurch  residents who regularly contribute to this special weekend in July by opening up their gardens. In fact some tourists time their holiday on the Island specifically to be able to visit  Bonchurch for this event. We are always looking for new gardens to add to the weekend. It does not matter whether you have a large garden, a small garden or a work in progress. Visitors value the ideas they can sometimes use themselves at home. If you would be prepared to open your  garden this year or would simply like to know more about what is involved please contact Brian Lucas on 855406 or Charlotte Walby on 856075.  


We hope you will be able to come along and support our events this year.

Our very best wishes,

The Bonchurch Community Association 

© 2024 Bonchurch Community Association

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